Interesting facts about Yoga
Interesting facts about Yoga Yoga is a Sanskrit term meaning to merge or connect. By calming the mind, we can gain insight into the nature of the self. This allows for a deeper knowledge and understanding of the self, which is why yoga is often considered a type of faith or religion in Western culture. Although the system of yoga has a lot in common with religious teachings it is primarily based on personal experience rather than devotional passivity based on dogma. According to yoga, all philosophical and religious concepts are merely second-hand knowledge. Yoga, on the other hand, seeks to know truth through experience, and is a practical system…
How do you discover the power within yourself? Spiritual development
How do you discover the power within yourself? Spiritual development The ability to read the future, travel in the astral or read minds are skills that every person would love to possess. It seems that in order to boast such an art, one must be born with the right gift. However, nothing could be further from the truth, because although indeed innate talents are significant, the true shaping of our powers, we decide for ourselves. People endowed with paranormal powers are those who have reached their higher self, i.e. reached the highest level of spiritual development or one of the higher degrees. So it is not something everyone is born…