reviews Master Samael

I’m looking for reviews about Please comments.

What’s offer Master Samael?

-Love binding spell $299

-Egyptain love spell $299

-The Strongest Love Rite (Black Magic) – $449

-Voodoo love spell $399

-Classic love spell $219

-Spell of responsibility $199

-Reconcilation spell $219

-Separation spell $219

-Homosexual love spell $219

-Obsession spell $149

-Marriage spell $199

-Life partner finding spell $249

-Money spell $199

-Aura cleansing and treatment $119

-Chakras balancing spell $169

-Protection spell $199

-Change your life spell $199

If anyone has used the service, please leave a comment.

Please rate this Spellcaster


  • Kimberly

    Two weeks ago I ordered a love spell. I am currently waiting for the results. I will try not to forget to inform you about the effects of the love spell.

  • Grace

    Hello, I hope that you will keep you informed about changes. I would like to order a love spell, but I’m wondering about few websites .

  • Jack

    I am after the love binding spell. This spell was performed 4 weeks ago. Situation is better than before ordering. I met my ex-girlfriend 2 times and we chatted normally. There was no return, but we are in much better contact.

  • Kimberly

    Love spell seems to start working, we met yesterday and he initiated the meeting. The first time in a long time I feel a bit more optimistic 🙂

  • Ann32

    I would like to tell you my story. After the breakup, I was more depressed than I had ever been before. I could not perform even simplest activities. Getting out of bed or brushing my teeth were overwhelming tasks to do. I was crying all the time. Thanks to the love spell, we have got back together with my beloved one. Now, I enjoy every single day of my life.

  • Kimberly

    It’s hard for me to believe it, but the man came back to me 🙂 I didn’t believe that love spell can bring such results, but it is fact. I am very happy:):):)

  • qee

    What ritual have you ordered exactly? The most powerful, strongest love rite? Or classic love spell? When have your partner returned to you?

  • china

    Thanks for those reviews, I’m in a difficult love situation too, and I think if applying love magic is the only way to get a guy back.

  • mwid

    Kia- can you write, did you get the photos after spells were over? On it says: “After completion of the rituals, I send photos. Thanks to this, you will recognize that ritual was performed for you.”
    I will be grateful for your reply.

  • yellow

    Has anyone ordered aura cleansing? I am curious about how this spell works. I think it would be helpful in my situation.

  • Lighter

    I ordered a love binding spell from Samael two weeks ago. Nothing is happening so far. I would like to add that my situation is quite difficult. I broke up with the man through my own fault, because I met with ex-man several times behind his back. When he found out, he took it as a betrayal and refuses to see me for now. I hope love binding will help me get it back.

  • Tiny

    Aura cleansing has produced great results. Two months have passed since the performance, and I feel much better. I smile more often and have more vitality. This spell actually works.

  • wish

    Hello. I am wondering between the 3 websites –, and I would appreciate any feedback on these spell casters.

  • yrena

    Personally, I can advise you to use I ordered love spell there in February this year and 47 days later the man came back to me.

  • Noname

    I went for the Egyptian ritual and I am currently 4 days after. I will let you know if there are any changes.

  • Lighter

    It’s a little better at the moment. We renewed contact. He replies to my messages normally, but there is still a long way to go back. May it only get better.

  • Samantha

    The Egyptian ritual worked after a few weeks. I am positively surprised because, to be honest, I didn’t count on too much.

  • Lighter

    Things are moving forward all the time. We have met twice in the last week. I really am a huge optimist.

  • Lighter

    I’m sorry I haven’t spoken in the last month but a lot has happened. The bottom line is that love binding brought results.
    We have been together again for two weeks. Recently, I wrote that we meet more often. We finally came to the conclusion to give ourselves another chance. Interestingly, this proposal came more from him than from me. Of course I agreed. Now things are going very well between us, just like at the beginning of our relationship. Best regards and I wish you, Mailca, good luck in love.

  • polonia

    Our relationship had lasted for 8 years when he told me that he did not want to be with me. I cried and freaked out….he left me for another girl. It was the most depressing period of my life. However, I decided to try the last solution I could think of – a classic love spell recommended at the website – it turned out to be great. It made me believe in the deeper meaning of life again.

  • qiea22

    A week ago I had a love binding spell from I am currently waiting for the results. If my love situation changes, I will write.

  • vitamine

    My husband moved out after 6 years of marriage. He did not care that he was hurting me, he was not willing to fix anything. Beforehand, he had constantly been telling me that my companionship had not been fully satisfying for him. I ordered a love binding. He returned to me saying that he had not been feeling well lately. We are together again and I hope it will not change.

  • qiea22

    Yes, things have changed a little for the better since my last message. After all, we have contact with each other, we met for tea once. I really hope for further improvement.

  • Alle

    Love binding spell really works !! The effects came in the fifth week, although my love situation was really difficult. I am very grateful for the help.

  • qiea22

    Sorry for not writing this long, but I’ve been a bit busy. Love bidning spell worked, we have been back together for 18 days. I am satisfied with the results. Best regards and good luck to you in love.

  • Brooke

    My man left me after a quarrel. We had been together for 2 years, so I was certain that we would get along quickly. Unfortunately, it was not the case…he stopped talking to me and started ignoring me completely. Many people on this website had recommended, so I decided to give the website a try. Some time passed and I was devastated as I completely forgot about the spell. However, my Paul returned to me in the end 🙂 I do not know if it was because of the spell or fortune, but I am more than happy.

  • Van

    I read a lot of reviews on Samael’s website and it shows that things don’t usually happen right away. However, it has been 2 months since the ritual was completed and my love has still not contacted me. I will let you know if anything changes.

  • Jui

    Qiea22- I ordered a spell on a week ago, so far no results yet. I even reached out to my boyfriend on Tues, 1/25 and there are no response either.

    How long do you anticipate I wait until I know that the spell is working?

    I’ve read reviews Samael and he seems great but I don’t want to mix too manys spells on one person.

    If Qiea is unable to response, can anyone tell me on what they advise?

  • Layla

    Hi, I ordered a spell from but I can’t find much on customer reviews, other than the one on the sites and the testimonial videos.

    It seems like I found success stories on Samael. It has only been a couple of weeks, but i’m in a struggling relationship. Can you please advise if I should wait or work with Samael?

    Should I ask him to cleanse the energy before starting the work?

  • Thankful

    I can highly recommend The strongest Love Rite. The effects exceeded my expectations. It seemed to me that nothing would help in my love situation. Then I decided on this ritual. After 7 weeks, the man offered me to come back. Of course I agreed. I must admit that I did not expect such results.

  • tear

    I ordered it too. It was 2 weeks ago. I am still waiting for effects. I can feel the energy that was generated during the spell…I am full of hope.

  • greenwhite

    I agree that Egyptian spells have considerable power. My love situation was quite difficult because a man left me for no apparent reason and we had no contact for over two months. I couldn’t get over the fact that he left me and I started looking for ways to get him to come back to me. An Egyptian spell from Samael helped me and after a few weeks we became a couple again.

  • bio

    I also recommend The strongest love rite. In my case, I waited for the effects for over two months, but most importantly, the spell brought the desired results. Thank you.

  • Daitina

    Hello, a week ago the spells ended. I received the photographs. The contact with the spell caster is very good. Now I am waiting for the fulfillment.

  • afharka

    I am after the spell and waiting for the results. This is my third ordered ritual but it was only at this spell caster that I got the proof from the spell casting. I will admit the photography is impressive. I got the impression that he really tries and writes back quickly. If that doesn’t help then I guess it’s no more;/.

  • monicca

    With me it worked after a month but I had a very high chance of success. Samael after spreading the cards gave 80% and wrote that in his case it is really a lot, because he supposedly assesses the chances realistically with the help of Tarot cards. I am satisfied and recommend it.

  • ebb

    I will admit that I waited an unusually long time. I often searched online forums to see if this was normal. However, I never lost hope and finally got my fiancé back

  • fute

    I wanted to thank you for your professionalism and extraordinary commitment. I had to wait a bit for the results but they came. A big thank you.

  • Peggie

    Hello, I recommend combining the Egyptian spell with the separation spell. I used it because the man I was with for 2.5 years left me, he walked away from me to another woman. I was devastated, I could not bear the thought that he left me and chose another woman. I ordered these two spells and calmly waited for the effects, not hoping for any miracles. I was positively surprised, because just one month after the spells ended he broke up with her and started seeing me again. After 10 weeks we became a couple again. I recommend these spells to anyone who is in a similar situation as me.

  • Melthe

    I used an Egyptian spell because I was in a difficult love situation. The man I was with for 2 years left me. The reason he left was because he was bored with our relationship. He didn’t tell me this directly, but between the lines. When he left me, he stated that he needed time to rethink his life. I could see that he was bored with me and it hurt me a lot. So I started looking for ways to get him back. I liked Samael’s website, it had many positive comments on love magic sites. After the Egyptian spell I was full of hope. After the completion, I received pictures that I liked very much. They gave me strength in difficult times. For the first 3 weeks nothing happened, I still had no contact with the man I wanted back. After 3 weeks, quite unexpectedly, he renewed contact with me. We started writing to each other, and after another 2 weeks we started dating again. We dated for 6 weeks, after which he suggested I give him another chance. I agreed and we have been together again for a month now, getting along great. I am happy with the results of the spells, I hope the effects will last. Best regards.

  • Daitina

    We’ve been together for a few weeks now. It was a gradual return. We started meeting on a collegial basis and at first he claimed that he would not return to our shared apartment and did not see us together. We talked and he advised me on some of his private matters. Once he invited me for a weekend trip and there we had a great time. Immediately after we returned he brought his things and came back to me. I hope we will always be together again.

  • efff

    The aura cleansing from worked awesome. I ordered it because I had been feeling bad for some time, it was hard for me to get up for normal daily activities. I had no appetite, I gave up my hobbies and gained about 10 kg. After the cleansing ritual I gradually started to feel better. Already after a month I revived a little, got up more refreshed, started to be active. Then I joined a gym and started running every other day in the evenings. This made me feel much better. It has been almost 5 months since the aura cleansing and I feel great.

  • Aseli

    The subject of love magic has interested me since a man left me. I was with this man for 7 years, which is a very long time. I became very attached to him. I didn’t expect that we could part. When he told me that he wanted to leave, I was devastated. I didn’t believe it at first. It wasn’t until 2 weeks later, when he completely stopped responding to my messages, that I realized he had left me. I decided to try to get him back using the magic of love. I found many websites that offer love spell services. I chose Samael and it was a great move. The man came back to me after a few weeks, I can add from myself that I followed the instructions of the Spell Caster, did not impose myself on the man and calmly waited for his return.

  • elww

    I am very much asking for your reviews about love binding spell. Does this spell work? My situation is rather difficult, I have no contact with the man I want to get back and therefore I am looking for a strong spell.

  • Mohii

    I recommend the love binding spell. I chose between the Egyptian spell and the love binding spell and my choice was the former.
    The spell brought results. The man came back to me after about three months after the spell was completed.
    My case was not one of the simplest and I needed a strong spell. The man had left me for a work friend and I gave little chance that the spell would be successful. I am therefore positively surprised and thank Samael very much for the successful spell. Regards.

  • elww

    It has been six weeks since the spells were cast. During this time I have renewed contact with a man and we are dating again.

  • elww

    I am signing up again because I wanted to let you know that the love binding spell has yielded results. A man proposed to me again and we have been together again for 2 weeks.

  • Alsanda

    The love binding spell from Samael had fantastic results. The man I had been with for 4 years left me. I was sure that he would propose to me soon, but the opposite happened. He started to dismiss me, we stopped understanding each other and he decided to break up with me. I was in a very bad state after he left and I decided that I had to do everything in my power to get him back. Therefore, I used love magic. After the love binding spell, the effects came within 12 weeks of the order, when he offered to meet me, during which he asked to come back and admitted that he missed me a lot without me. I hope our relationship will be more lasting this time.

  • xwa

    Roseline – report on your situation. I am looking for someone to cast an effective love spell. I was left by a man 3 weeks ago and I think a love spell is the only way to get him back.

  • Roseline

    I think the situation is improving. Before casting the spell, I had no contact with a man. Currently we are in contact with each other again, we text with each other sometimes. I hope that soon we will reconcile and get back together. I am anxious for the man to be the one to propose to me to return.

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