How to undo a cast spell?
How to undo a cast spell? Breaking the curse If you think you are the victim of a curse, you should take several steps to break it. First, make sure that the person really intends to curse you. Some people can be cursed by bad luck or bad decisions. In addition, you need to make sure that the problem was actually caused by the curse and not just bad luck. If the problem is simply caused by bad luck, these steps will not do you much good. To break the spell, you need to be aware and mature. You must be able to take control of your energy and decision-making.…
How to work with the chakras?
How to work with the chakras? The root chakra is the first energy center in the body and controls emotional and physical health. It regulates fear, change and emotional stability. An unbalanced Root Chakra can lead to many problems, from eating disorders to stress. It is also known to affect the immune system. The root chakra is directly related to feeling secure and safe in the world. People who are in debt or living in poverty may have a weakened root chakra, while people who are financially secure and comfortable may have a strong root chakra. So it is important to work on the root chakra if you want to…
What is aura? Aura vision training
Surely more than once each of us has heard the colloquial expression about good and bad auras. But what is this aura and can it actually be sensed? And if so, is it an innate skill and can it be learned? What is an aura? According to various dictionaries, the aura is the energy that flows through the body and we can observe it in the form of a colorful glow surrounding us. The concept of aura was already known in ancient times. It was from the ancient Greek language that the word aura, meaning a breeze, a blast, originated. It has a similar meaning in Latin. Depending on the…