Spell to invoke affluence
Spell to invoke affluence
This spell is designed to remove your blockages and adversities that hinder you from gaining a stable financial situation and summoning abundance into your life.
I would also like to point out at the outset that the performance of the ritual itself does not guarantee improvement of the situation immediately and without your personal contribution, but it is intended to cause the unblocking of this sphere of your life.
Every spell, every energy action needs your support. Just as with a spell for a job, just casting it will do nothing if you rest on your laurels and do not look for this job. The same applies to this spell.
Remember, energy likes movement and action. Therefore, take steps that could make your financial situation improve. Then the spell will support you wonderfully in these actions, leveling any obstacles to its implementation.
Still an important point. Every spell works.
Take into account that if the spell has a delay in action or does not give as many results as you would like, this is due to many aspects. Among other things, it may be related to certain energy burdens that are in your space, such as a curse or anger. It may also be due to your insufficient commitment to the matter, or the implementation of the ritual will be delayed. The delay may be due to the fact that events and coincidences in your space have to arrange themselves to be completed.
Always trust in the power of the universe and your inner personal power. Do not doubt yourself, as this is the most likely to block you from achieving prosperity.
You can perform this spell regardless of the time of day or the phase of the moon.
As a rule, such actions should give results within the next three months. Therefore, do not perform it more often than once every three months.
It is performed for three days, during which you burn a different candle and perform other activities.
– a white candle, any kind you like although I suggest a thick one in the form of a cylinder, which you can use in general for all kinds of rituals, or burn to yourself to cleanse the space. Such a candle is called a function candle. From it we then light the other candles that are used in a particular ritual,
– herbs for incense – here you have discretion, if you don’t know which will work, I recommend you to watch my material “POWER OF CANDLES”. There, I present a wide range of possibilities for fumigating yourself, rooms and using herbs for rituals,
– a black, simple, wax candle,
– brown, simple, wax candle,
– green, simple, wax candle,
– toothpick,
– three apples,
– three small pieces of paper,
– a dish to burn the cards, among others,
– saucers, for each candle separately or one large saucer, so that the distance between the candles is at least 10 cm,
– an important part of the ritual is to look for an apple tree, which will be part of the ritual. It would be good if it was closest to your house, if possible, of course, but it is not a prerequisite.
Casting the spell:
Day I of the spell
On the first day, sew yourself a place that will be a form of ritual space for the next three days.
Put all the accessories I mentioned earlier there.
The day before the activity itself, clean your apartment, house.
Before you approach the performance of the ritual, take one apple and eat it, while leave the seeds from this apple and put them between the ritual accessories. Do this the day before the ritual so that the seeds have time to dry up a bit.
Before lighting the candle, you take incense and fumigate the room where you perform the ritual, including fumigating yourself.
You begin the ritual by lighting the white, function candle, pronouncing the following words:
“Here and now I open this spell with the sacred symbol of fire that it may protect me during this deed”
Now take a black candle, on which engrave the words: blockages, burdens, debts. Now take it in your hands and imagine all possible obstacles, debts, which are a block to your prosperity. After such contemplation and visualization of how all these negative aspects enter the candle, light it from the white candle and place it on the stand.
Then on a piece of paper write the words:
“I remove and rid my life of all blockages, encumbrances, debts and obstacles that stand in the way of my abundance (here we write what kind, whether financial, material or professional, or in the form of a specific property, etc.). For my sake, without harm to anyone, let it be done.”
Now light this piece of paper from a black candle and burn it in a ladle, and then throw the apple seeds in there as well, which you also set on fire with a lighter and let them burn.
The candle must burn to the end. While it burns, you can walk away from it and do your personal activities, but occasionally glance at it and be near it.
When it has burned to the end, pack the remnants of the candle, ashes and burnt seeds in a paper towel and bury it all far from the house in the ground.
Here a small digression. Remember that the ritual leftovers you want to bury should be of natural ingredients, so as not to litter nature. Hence the caution that the candles should be of wax.
This concludes the first day of the ritual.
Day 2
Before firing the candle as on the previous day, you take incense and incense the room where you perform the ritual, including incense yourself.
Now take a green candle, on which engrave the words: prosperity (here write what kind, whether financial, material or other, or even a specific thing).
Now take it in your hands and imagine that these aspects of prosperity are already yours. Try to arouse emotions of joy, happiness and visualize yourself benefiting from these things. Sometimes we are in a very difficult situation and it is hard for us to arouse such emotions in ourselves, but try as hard as you can. It may help you to imagine some positive things from your life and recall the emotions that accompanied you then.
After such contemplation and visualization, light a green candle from a white candle and place it on a saucer.
Then on a piece of paper write the words:
“I attract abundance and prosperity to myself in the form of (here you write what you want to achieve through the ritual). All this is my contribution. For my sake, without harm to anyone, let it happen.”
Now light this piece of paper from a green candle and burn it in a ladle.
Then take another apple and eat it, while leave the seeds from it until the next day. The candle must burn to the end. While it burns, you can walk away from it and do your personal activities, but occasionally glance at it and be near it. When it burns to the end, pack the remains of the candle and the ashes in a paper towel and leave it until the next day.
Before firing the candle, as on the previous day, you take incense and fumigate the room where you perform the ritual, including fumigating yourself.
Now take a bronze candle, on which engrave the words: nature, protection, power.
Now take it in your hands and imagine that the apple tree you have chosen is your form of protection and support throughout this process of achieving your goal. Visualize how the fruits of this tree are your things that you are asking for in this ritual. After such contemplation and visualization, light a brown candle from a white candle and place it on a stand.
Then on a piece of paper write the words:
Now light this card from a brown candle and burn it in a ladle.
Then take the last third apple and eat it, while leave the seeds from it. The candle must burn to the end. While it burns, you can walk away from it and do your personal activities, but occasionally glance at it and be near it. When it burns to the end, pack the remains of the candle and the ashes in a paper towel from the previous day. On the other hand, pack the seeds separately. After these steps, you take the leftover candle and ashes and seeds and go to the tree of your choice. First, bury the remains of the candle and ashes.